ROAVR help people capture actionable data, solve your planning headaches and help get your project back on track.  

Matt & Sean Tofts 

Our Director Matt Harmsworth and Sean Tofts of the Small Sites Alliance had an interesting podcast discussion in January. Listen Live by clicking the image to the right.

Bokalift 2 Arrives. 

Bokalift 2 has arrived in the Cromarty Firth!  This heavy lift crane ship is installing monopiles for the Ocean Winds Moray West windfarm project to the NE of the firth.  The ship is uplifting XXL monopiles from the Sarens PSG marshalling facility at the Port of Invergordon.  Very impressive to witness! (1st October 2023).

Scotwind Powers Forward

Our Director Matt Harmsworth is fresh back from the hugely sucsssesful Scottish Renewables Off Shore Wind Conference 2023 in Glasgow.

The conference was opened by the First Minister with a rousing speech around the incredible benefits that Scotwind and INTOG is bringing to Scotland.  The pipeline of offshore wind is simply breathtaking and will truly put Scotland and the wider U.K. on the path toward a green energy future.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today opened Scottish Renewables' Offshore Wind Conference at the SEC in Glasgow.

In her ministerial address the First Minister told the conference that The Scottish Government will do all it can to support the success of offshore wind and its priority must be to intensify the work it is doing together with industry to achieve our shared ambitions of a "greener, fairer, more resilient energy system".

Scottish Renewables’ Offshore Wind Conference, headline sponsored by SSE Renewables, is the industry’s most hotly-anticipated event, setting the agenda for 2023.

A global leader in offshore wind, Scotland has a short-term pipeline of 6.9GW of projects. Following the ScotWind Leasing results announced last year (2022) this week’s conference is focused on exploring the big challenges facing the industry and how it can deliver successful projects with positive impacts for the economy, the environment and local communities.

From thought leadership to practical supply chain advice, the conference is bringing together industry experts, developers, suppliers and stakeholders to review the state of our offshore wind ambitions.  Our Director was delighted to hear Joanne Allday of Cromparty Port Authority speak with such passion when it comes to the quality of life the Highlands of Scotland has to offer - we certianly agree!

ROAVR provides marshalling yard insepction, survey, photography and videography services to Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies.  

Leaf It Out!

If ever proof was needed that the media twist ‘the news’ - to get clicks and increase advertising revenue - this is it.

Just read this article! >

I’ll save you the pain of reading. Man has been fined (totally correctly) for felling trees protected by a tree preservation order.  Said man then takes umbrage at a neighbouring development site which fells four protected trees of the same species.

He has now started an appeal process against the developer next door.

BUT as you may know, full planning consent overrides TPOs and the decision was made on the removal of these four trees years ago as part of a consented development.

Key takeaway, the developer has done nothing wrong, the council has done nothing wrong, the homeowner is exhibiting dumb*uck**y of the highest order.

What this shows is that even if you have all your ducks in a row, your clients' projects can still get a massive rock thrown in the pond through no fault of your own.  

When the news is a subject you understand, it makes you question the wider media doesn’t it?

The next big thing at the moment is rocketing inflation, bringing with it the turmoil and heartache of rising project costs.

It's been said that the cost of living will have risen 10% by the end of the year which just seems incredible to comprehend.  Whether you believe it is Putin, COViD or political mismanagement, it doesn’t matter.  

Planning Fail.

I’d say I’m surprised but frankly I’m not.  The total disaster that is the local government has really ratched up a notch this month.

Have you seen this!

Now I would like to say I am surprised that this total lack of knowledge has surfaced like a submarine gasping for air.  But truth be told, the fact that a local councillor does not understand the planning system does not surprise me at all.

If history has taught us anything it's often that those in positions of power are the least well informed and this story just hits home.

The key points?  A councillor in the Vale of Glamorgan has been suspended for opening a cafe without planning permission.  That is despite sitting on the council's planning committee since 2017!

That's five whole years of listening to planning law as applications like your clients and ours are being determined, yet still this councillor fell foul of planning law.  What hope is there for the likes of you and I?

Furthermore the storms of early February have raised another issue, every Jack and Jill is suddenly a tree safety expert.

I can only imagine what it must be like to be a tree officer at the moment.  As everyone jumps on the bandwagon to claim their tree is ‘dangerous’.   There have been some truly horrific tree failures, many totally preventable and I truly feel for those who have had their homes and possessions damaged.

Truth be told, the only real way to be sure you have your ducks in a row is to get a professional on board early.

Storms Hit Hard.

I had big plans for this weekend, sadly storm Arwen put paid to that!
Who thinks these names up?

I've still got some jobs to do around the house and some finishing touches to put to a big project.

But no, high winds and snow smashed that door firmly shut.

The storm meant that most of the weekend has been spent helping my son James learn his lines for the upcoming school nativity play.

Not that I mind that.

He is 'Wiseman 1' and is delighted...

It's amazing to see his reading coming on (he is 7)...

The downside of this is that the previously hushed grown up conversations and spelt out swear words are now being understood... if not fully then certainly partially!

I guess I'll have to banish the bad language forever.

With that being said, I was somewhat distracted by the pinging of my work email in the corner of the room.  

We have 24/7 customer support for emergencies but I usually hide away my work phone at weekends as family time is precious isn't it?

The slow pinging became slightly more vigorous and that then turned into calls.

It seems the storm has claimed more than a few trees nationwide and now emergency surveys are in high demand.

Have you seen the picture of the train that hit a tree in the North of Scotland?

That must have been truly terrifying for the poor driver.

So as I write this email at my kitchen table on Monday afternoon, our nationwide staff are racing across the UK looking at trees, forests, roads, roofs and all manner of wind damaged infrastructure.

Our unique drone fleet has proved invaluable for this.

So coupled with the usually mad panic as Christmas approaches and projects get pushed to the New Year, I think a busy December is on the cards.

PS - Karalyn in the office can be reached on 01463 667302

The Name Is Bond.

Even my youngest James is excited at this news...

Finally James Bond 'No Time To Die' has been released in the cinema!

It's been a long time coming !

A nice little taste of normality.

ROAVR provided tech recce support for the action director in the most horrific of weather conditions together with VFX plates for an action sequence. 

This amounted to a few weeks work over the Summer and Autumn of 2019 and we are very proud to have played a part in this franchise.

Secondly we have won an award! 

Best Drone Services Provide 2021 in The greater London Enterprise Awards. 

But enough about us... how are you?

It seems the world is on fire at the moment and everyone is busy which is great.

Luckily with crews scattered across the UK (Ffion and Paul are in Orkney this week!), we are well placed to help you get your projects back on track.

I'd like to say I'm out and about as well but the reality is I'm firmly welded to DIY duties having recently moved house.

I am however being allowed out this afternoon to do some flying around some truly massive wind farm bases.

So as Summer slides into Autumn I'd have you consider that if you have a project coming up that needs drone support, get that crew booked early!

Enjoy Bond!

Holly out getting to grips with a GNSS handset on a not so glamorous ecology survey in Edinburgh.

Not yet directly employed - but James likes to help out when he can!

New Starters.

As our team grows to better support you.  I have the pleasure of welcoming Holly and Alex to the team.

Holly joins us as a graduate ecologist supporting head office with PEA and PRA services.  Holly is based in the Manchester Area.

Supporting Peter, our Senior Arb Consultant in Cambridgeshire, Alex joins us as an Arb Consultant and will be based in South Yorkshire.

Both have already proved themselves as immensely capable and I look forward to supporting them to support you over the coming years.

how to reach us

Tel: +44 (0)1463 667302 - Switchboard


Address: Woodland Solutions (Northern) Limited t/a ROAVR Group; Marr House; Beechwood Business Park ; Sir Walter Scott Drive; Inverness; IV2 3BW