ROAVR help people just like you, get the data they need, to inform projects from planning applications to mapping remote moorlands.

What We Do.

Arboricultural Surveys

Our teams operate UK wide to provide our clients with tree survey support from BS 5837 compliant tree surveys for planning to tree safety surveys.  We also provide arboricultural clerk of works services.

Ecological Surveys

Our ecologists based in Inverness, Cambridge, and Milton Keynes operate across the UK to provide clients with high-quality surveys to support planning applications.

Aerial Surveys

Using drones our survey team have carried out species monitoring, land surveys for renewable energy projects and mapped whole villages.

Protected Species Surveys

Our ecologists carryout protected species surveys to support planning applications each year in the survey season.  Whether that be bat surveys, great crested newts of dormice.

Driven By Technology - Powered By People.

We are a multi-disciplined team driven by technology.  

We are the only UK consultancy to deploy drone on every survey to collect imagery to support your project and give a unique site overview.

All our staff are either GVC or A2 C of C qualified.


ROAVR Group carry out nationwide tree surveys for homeowners, architects, developers and site managers that are looking for BS5837: 2012 compliant tree surveys to support planning applications. Working nationwide from bases in Scotland, Manchester, Cambridge and Guildford in Surrey we can get a surveyor to site in 2-3 days and your report 3-4 days after that. Get an Instant quote from >>


A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is the first stage in any site assessment. It has three main elements: an ecological desk study; a habitat survey or phase 1 survey; and a written assessment.  Following on from this we carryout protected species surveys and net gain assessments. 

Aerial Survey

ROAVR provide the following services:

  • Ortho rectified geo-referenced imagery for import into desktop GIS systems
  • Digital elevation and digital service models
  • Raw XYZ and LAS data for incorporation into standard surveys
  • 3D models for planning and stakeholder interrogation
  • Topographical data including contours
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Contaminated Land Surveys

Case Study: ROAVR Deployed an aerial survey team to Eday in the Orkney Islands for a week monitoring and recording sealife activity in a world first study for EMEC.

Case Study: ROAVR Deployed to the Shetland Isles to map the interior of Shetland for the forthcoming Viking project.

Contact Details

how to reach us

Tel: +44 (0)1463 667302 - Switchboard


Address: Woodland Solutions (Northern) Limited t/a ROAVR Group;

Marr House; Beechwood Business Park ;

Sir Walter Scott Drive; Inverness;